
The OzMac Solutions Client Portal is here to provide you with an easy way to look at the current status of your service job.

When you book in a job the OzMac Solutions staff will give you a job sheet that includes, in the top right hand corner, a Job Number. Enter this job number into the Repair Status field along with the phone number on the jobsheet exactly as it was entered.

  • Enter your jobnumber and telephone number

    Remember to enter these exactly as you see them on the job sheet supplied.

Once you have entered the job number and phone number correctly and clicked the "Check Status" button you will be presented with a brief overview of your job.

  • The overview screen

  • This overview is deliberately kept brief as part of our ongoing efforts to ensure your data remains as secure as possible.
  • The progress bar will change colour during the process. When it is green your machine is almost completed.
  • The various status changes reflect our internal tracking. If you would like clarification, please contact the office.

If you are a staff member or technical team member, you may have access to the "Corporate Portal". In which case please follow the documentation provided to you with your access to that system.